The lion's mane mushroom is a part of the tooth fungus family. Unlike gilled mushrooms, like our oysters and shiitakes, they release spores from their spindly, furry “teeth." In the wild, lion’s mane teeth can grow up to 10 inches long. You can expect ours to get a little shaggy, but only grow ¼ inch at the most.
Why eat lion’s mane? For starters, it tastes sweet, savory, and nutty all at the same time. These fuzz balls are shreddable, can be pressed into steaks, or served as an alternative to crab or lobster (perfect for meatless crab cakes or lobster rolls)!
Lion’s mane mushrooms may contain beneficial compounds that could benefit your body, especially your brain**. While no potential benefits or claims supporting human health have been reviewed or approved by the FDA, there are emerging studies focused on the potential benefits that consumption of Lion’s Mane may provide as part of a well-balanced diet. Included here are some findings from peer-reviewed studies conducted thus far. Check back for updates as the scientific community continues to identify and publish more findings!

Brain Function and Cognitive Impairment (1)
Erinacines and hericenones (1) are compounds only found in lion's mane that have been found to have neuroprotective properties and could even stimulate nerve growth (1). Additionally, the scientific community is investigating if consumption of Lion’s Mane mushrooms may possibly help and prevent ischemic stroke, Alzheimer's disease, depression and Parkinson's, and improve mild cognitive impairment (1).
Lion's mane mushrooms contain polysaccharides (2) (long-chain carbohydrates that are a major source of energy for humans) called beta-glucans (2). Beta-glucans increase immune defense and even present anti-carcinogenic activity which can inhibit tumor growth and reduce tumor proliferation. They are often used as an adjuvant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy (3).
Digestive Health
Due to its immunomodulatory effects provided by beta-glucans, lion’s mane may support a healthy gut microbiota and reduce, even prevent, inflammation in the gut (4).
Some research suggests that lion's mane mushrooms could help prevent LDL oxidation formation (5) (or the formation of plaque in arteries from LDL cholesterol, the bad cholesterol) by inhibiting cholesterol synthesis in the liver (HMG Co-A reductase activity) (5). This is key for cardiovascular health (5)!

There's a lot of emerging research on Lion's Mane. We encourage you to do your own and let us know what you find! The possible health benefits are super exciting but honestly, we just love how they taste.
Now that you know all the info, check out our recipe page!

** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.